Pelvic Health PT

Pelvic Health Programs Designed For YOU ~ Private & Personal

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Keep Reading If You're Experiencing:

  • Urinary Incontinence...also known as...
  • Leaking urine with coughing, sneezing, laughing
  • Leaking urine with exercise, jumping or sudden movements
  • Leaking urine after sudden urges
  • Leaking urine during sex
  • Peeing Your Pants
  • Urinary Urges...also known as...
  • Sudden bladder urges 
  • Sudden triggers to pee, such as driving home, water running, looking at your bathroom

  Who Is This Program For?

  •       Any woman who is sick and tired of peeing her pants
  •       Any woman who is afraid she smells like pee
  •       Any woman who is unable to exercise without wetting herself
  •       Any woman that is embarrassed to go out in public because of urinary leakage
  •       Any woman that is petrified of leaking urine while having sex
  •       Any woman who wants to jump on the tramp with her kids/grandkids
  •       Any woman who wants to be confident when going out socially with friends
  •       Any woman who wants to know what she can & can't eat to keep her bladder calm
  •       Any woman who is ready to invest in her own health
  •       Any woman who is ready to take back control of her life
  •       Any woman who is ready to regain confidence and start living life...LEAK FREE!
  • Who Is This Program NOT For?

  •       Any woman who is not able to make personal decisions about her own health
  •       Any woman who does not have the time to do the program
  •       Any woman who is not ready to invest in herself
  •       This is NOT the program for you if you are unable or are not ready to make decisions, take the time and invest in  

  • If you're reading this, then you have been invited to the Stop Your Leak members only course where you'll receive:

    • the online course ~ 6 weeks of
      • educational videos
      • handouts
      • daily success logs
      • exercise sheets and more...
    • weekly group meetings with Amy, where you can ask your questions & gain guidance
    • private community to connect with other course members where you can share struggles & triumphs

    The Course Outline includes 7 Modules, released over 6 weeks, with  a total of 34 lessons. There are several lessons in each module. Here are the 7 Modules:
    1) Welcome & What to Expect
    2) Legs Crossed Lucy ~ Why You Leak
    3) Sneezy Sally ~ Using Your Pelvic Floor
    4) No Dribble Drusilla ~ Take Control
    5) Confident Cathy ~ Control Like a Champ
    6) Moving Matilda ~ Get Moving
    7) Jump Dry Janey ~ Beating the Dreaded Jump

    Course Registration Open Now!

    Join NOW by clicking the button.

    You also get FREE BONUS videos...

    1) How to Unpucker & Relax Your Pelvic Floor

    2) Cherie's Success Story with the Stop Your Leak online course.

    About Amy Hill Fife

    Leaking Urine is NOT NORMAL! As a woman, you may feel like it's just a burden to bear, however I will tell you that you don't have to live like this! Want to know how I became passionate about pelvic health...continue reading.

    While in my master's program, I took specialty courses in pelvic health from an Australian-trained professor of physical therapy. My introduction to Pelvic Health Physical Therapy on day 1 was discussing women leaking urine suddenly with no warning, which would completely soak their pants. Or the case of a woman who stopped exercising and going out socially because she peed her pants every time she coughed/sneezed/laughed or jumped on the trampoline. I could.not.believe my ears! I looked around the classroom and wondered why I was the only one with a look of complete outrage on my face. THAT! That was the day I knew what my mission in life would help all those women.

    So for the past 20 years, I've heard countless stories from women who have been dismissed, ignored or made fun of because of pelvic health issues like "leaking urine", "peeing your pants" during exercise/ sneezing,/coughing / laughing, pain with sex, pain with menstruation, pelvic floor dysfunction after trauma and so much more.

    Listening to women who've been told over and over... oh, it's just because you're a woman, it's just because you had babies, it's because you're old or there's nothing that can be done... has only fueled my passion to Help Women Be HEARD.

    Over the years, what I found was that even though I was "out there" doing my work, women were still not being listened to and they were still not finding the help they deserved.

    When I realized that women needed to be able to find their own help and do it in such a way that protected their privacy, then the Stop Your Leak educational program was built. The Stop Your Leak program allows women to find help, in the privacy and comfort of their own homes. It's just like buying a book, cozying up in front of the fire and learning everything you need to know to Stop Your Leak.

    My wish for you and every woman in your shoes, is for you to find HELP and feel HEARD! (and of course, to Stop Your Leak!)

    Here's to you for your courage and tenacity to always find the help you deserve!

    What Our Members Have to Say:

    “"After giving birth to 4 babies, I couldn't trust my own body to get me through the day. Basic activities such as coughing, sneezing, unloading groceries, and even just picking up my babies were a constant source of embarrassment and frustration. My low point is when I peed my pants while filling water in preparation for a family camp out. I was literally standing at the sink and just couldn't help it. Even after realizing help was out there, it was difficult to get the care I needed due to crazy schedules, sick kids, school out days, and a million other things.

    Amy's online course has given me simple, step-by-step instructions for how to rebuild my stressed muscles, my confidence, and my ability to live a vibrant life! I can complete the lessons and follow the instructions when I have time, and as I need them. I can even go back and revisit lessons when I need a refresher. I even gained the confidence and strength to start running and biking and am feeling stronger and more confident than I have in years!"
    ― Nichole ~ age 40
    “"I will never forget what you did for me Amy. I live in AZ now but love to follow you and your wisdom!"” ― Terri
    “Prolapse & Leaking Urine

    "After going through Amy's online course, I cancelled my prolapse surgery. I almost died during a prior surgery, so being able to cancel this surgery is truly a 'life saver'.

    AND, I don't even leak urine anymore. The knowledge I've gained from Amy's course is irreplaceable. I'm still not having to wear pads. Even when lifting heavy boxes while moving houses. I am forever grateful for Amy's guidance & support!!"” ― Cherie ~ age 59
    Join NOW!