Stop Your Leak & Start Living The Life You Love...Leak Free Watch Preview

A Woman's 8 Week Self Guided Program for Controlling Her Bladder

Keep Reading If You're Experiencing:

  • Urinary Incontinence...also known as...
  • Leaking urine with coughing, sneezing, laughing
  • Leaking urine with exercise, jumping or sudden movements
  • Leaking urine after sudden urges
  • Leaking urine during sex
  • Peeing Your Pants
  • Urinary Urges...also known as...
  • Sudden bladder urges
  • Sudden triggers to pee, such as driving home, water running, looking at your bathroom

Who Is This Program For?

  •       Any woman who wants to avoid surgery.
  •       Any woman who feels she is missing out on her life because of leaking urine
  •       Any woman who has stopped adventuring because of bladder problems
  •       Any woman who is sick and tired of peeing her pants
  •       Any woman who is afraid she smells like pee
  •       Any woman who is unable to exercise without wetting herself
  •       Any woman that is embarrassed to go on a trip because of urinary leakage
  •       Any woman who is petrified of leaking during the adventure of sex
  •       Any woman who wants to jump on the tramp or just jump again without peeing down her leg
  •       Any woman who wants to be confident and in control of her bladder
  •       Any woman who is ready to get back to adventuring
  •       Any woman who is ready to invest in her own health
  •       Any woman who is ready to take back control of her life
  •       Any woman who is ready to live the love she loves...LEAK FREE!
  • Who Is This Program NOT For?

  •       Any woman who is not able to make personal decisions about her own health
  •       Any woman who does not have the time to do the program
  •       Any woman who is not ready to invest in self care
  •       Any woman who does not want to make a change for the better
  •       Any woman who does not want to take charge of her future
  •       This is NOT the program for you if you are unable to make purchasing decisions and aren't ready to take the time to invest in yourself.

  • If you're reading this, then you have been invited to the Stop Your Leak Self Guided Program where you'll receive:

    • Your private program with: 
      • online course modules
      • 24/7 access
      • educational videos
      • homework handouts
      • daily success logs
      • exercise photos
      • exercise videos
      • lifetime access


    Welcome & What to Expect
    Legs Crossed Lucy ~ Why You Leak
    Sneezy Sally ~ Using Your Pelvic Floor
    No Dribble Drusilla ~ Take Control
    Confident Cathy ~ Control Like a Champ
    Moving Matilda ~ Get Moving
    Jump Dry Janey ~ Beating the Dreaded Jump

    Bonus Coaching Modules

    Adventuring Amelia ~ Set Your Adventure (aka Goal)
    Travelling Trudy ~ How to Plan, Prepare & Pack for Your Adventure
    Living Life Linda ~ Launch into the Life You Love...Leak Free

    30 Lessons

    Already Joined? Login

    Module 1


    What to Expect- Your Path to Pelvic Health

    Get Started & Understand the Outline of the Course

    Module 2- Legs Crossed Lucy ~Why You Leak

    Unit 1: What's Really Going On "Down There"

    Understand Pelvic Muscle Anatomy & Function

    Unit 2: How To Find Your Kegel

    How to Find Your Pelvic Muscles

    Unit 3: Let's Un-Kegel

    Learning to allow pelvic muscles to relax.

    Unit 4: Do You Really Know When You Go?

    Understanding your bladder habits & how to fill out the bladder log.

    Unit 5: Zen Pee

    Learn how to relax your pelvic muscles while you pee.

    Module 3 ~Sneezy Sally ~Using Your Pelvic Floor

    Unit 1: You Laughed So Hard, You Cried Tears Down Your Legs

    Normal Bladder Function

    Unit 2: Now You Know When You Go (pee)

    Unit 3: Constipation- Oh, If Only You Could Go (poop)

    Bowel Health & Constipation

    Unit 4: Zen Poop

    Learn how to Zen Poop!

    Unit 5: To Kegel or Not to Kegel

    To Kegel or Not to Kegel?

    Unit 6: Urge Control

    Learn the Knack Maneuver& Urge Control

    Module 4 ~ No Dribble Drusilla ~ Take Control

    Unit 1: Check Your Bladder

    Find & Check Your Bladder

    Unit 2: Posture & Pelvic Mobility

    A New Way to Understand Posture

    Unit 3: Endurance & Quick Flick Exercises

    Different types of Pelvic Muscle Exercises

    Unit 4: Abdominals & Finding Your Deep Core

    Find Your Deep Core

    Unit 5: Breathing

    Breathing & Your Pelvic Floor

    Unit 6: Putting It All Together

    Deep Core + Pelvic Floor

    Module 5 ~ Confident Cathy ~ Control Like a Champ

    Unit 1: Release Posture & Pelvic Mobility

    Posture Release + Pelvic Mobility

    Unit 2: More Deep Core

    Progressing Deep Core Exercises

    Unit 3: Stand Up Cathy

    Progress Exercises to Standing

    Module 6 ~ Moving Matilda ~ Get Moving

    Unit 1: The Warm Up

    Unit 2: Plank

    Unit 3: Squat-Lunge-Plus

    Unit 4: Step It Up

    Module 7 ~ Jump Dry Janey ~ Beating the Dreaded Jump

    Unit 2: Side Touch 3 Way

    Begin movement faster sideways.

    Unit 3: Side Hop -3 Way

    Add hopping

    Unit 4: Diagonal Diamond Hop

    Add in diagonal hopping

    Unit 5: Jump-Tramp-Run