Stop Your Leak & Start Living The Life You Love...Leak Free Watch Preview
A Woman's 8 Week Self Guided Program for Controlling Her Bladder
Keep Reading If You're Experiencing:
Urinary Incontinence...also known as...
- Leaking urine with coughing, sneezing, laughing
- Leaking urine with exercise, jumping or sudden movements
Leaking urine after sudden urges
- Leaking urine during sex
- Peeing Your Pants
- Urinary Urges...also known as...
- Sudden bladder urges
- Sudden triggers to pee, such as driving home, water running, looking at your bathroom
Who Is This Program For?
Who Is This Program NOT For?
If you're reading this, then you have been invited to the Stop Your Leak Self Guided Program where you'll receive:
- Your private program with:
- online course modules
- 24/7 access
- educational videos
- homework handouts
- daily success logs
- exercise photos
- exercise videos
- lifetime access
Bonus Coaching Modules
30 Lessons
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Module 1
What to Expect- Your Path to Pelvic Health
Get Started & Understand the Outline of the Course
Module 2- Legs Crossed Lucy ~Why You Leak
Unit 1: What's Really Going On "Down There"
Understand Pelvic Muscle Anatomy & Function
Unit 2: How To Find Your Kegel
How to Find Your Pelvic Muscles
Unit 3: Let's Un-Kegel
Learning to allow pelvic muscles to relax.
Unit 4: Do You Really Know When You Go?
Understanding your bladder habits & how to fill out the bladder log.
Unit 5: Zen Pee
Learn how to relax your pelvic muscles while you pee.
Module 3 ~Sneezy Sally ~Using Your Pelvic Floor
Unit 1: You Laughed So Hard, You Cried Tears Down Your Legs
Normal Bladder Function
Unit 2: Now You Know When You Go (pee)
Unit 3: Constipation- Oh, If Only You Could Go (poop)
Bowel Health & Constipation
Unit 4: Zen Poop
Learn how to Zen Poop!
Unit 5: To Kegel or Not to Kegel
To Kegel or Not to Kegel?
Unit 6: Urge Control
Learn the Knack Maneuver& Urge Control
Module 4 ~ No Dribble Drusilla ~ Take Control
Unit 1: Check Your Bladder
Find & Check Your Bladder
Unit 2: Posture & Pelvic Mobility
A New Way to Understand Posture
Unit 3: Endurance & Quick Flick Exercises
Different types of Pelvic Muscle Exercises
Unit 4: Abdominals & Finding Your Deep Core
Find Your Deep Core
Unit 5: Breathing
Breathing & Your Pelvic Floor
Unit 6: Putting It All Together
Deep Core + Pelvic Floor
Module 5 ~ Confident Cathy ~ Control Like a Champ
Unit 1: Release Posture & Pelvic Mobility
Posture Release + Pelvic Mobility
Unit 2: More Deep Core
Progressing Deep Core Exercises
Unit 3: Stand Up Cathy
Progress Exercises to Standing
Module 6 ~ Moving Matilda ~ Get Moving
Unit 1: The Warm Up
Unit 2: Plank
Unit 3: Squat-Lunge-Plus
Unit 4: Step It Up
Module 7 ~ Jump Dry Janey ~ Beating the Dreaded Jump
Unit 2: Side Touch 3 Way
Begin movement faster sideways.
Unit 3: Side Hop -3 Way
Add hopping
Unit 4: Diagonal Diamond Hop
Add in diagonal hopping